Lina & Mahmoud | Library of Congress Elopement | Washington, DC
The love story of Lina & Mahmoud is literally out of a movie.
“Mahmoud and I actually went to high school together! I had a HUGE crush on him and he says he had a crush on me too, we just never admitted it to each other!! We were both Lebanese Americans who met at our high school in Lebanon, so we immediately clicked since we shared very similar experiences (including culture shock). We were seated next to each other in class in the ninth grade, and he would tease me endlessly. We never dated in high school but stayed in touch for years. We both watched each other get into and out of relationships over the years with other people, but I knew deep down our time would come.
Eventually when the timing was right, he came from Lebanon to DC to visit me. We had never dated let alone held hands before, but as soon as he got here, we both knew this was it. It felt SO right. It was everything we had been waiting for. He started to plan his move to DC, and less than a year later, he made it here and we are SO incredibly happy together.”
Actual perfection 🤍